Client Spotlight:

Kelsie Knauf
of Studio Kels


Let’s be honest… clients first, friends later can be a fairly common occurrence around these parts - but every now and then we get to welcome a friend into the client fold, and that’s pretty special.

CCE’s Courtney Ewan Hancock and Kelsie Knauf fit squarely into the latter camp. While CCE manages Kelsie’s books, this isn’t the first time Kelsie and Courtney have worked together; many moons ago, they worked alongside one another in event production. Since then, both have made the leap into self-employment, with Kelsie launching her photography business, Studio Kels, in 2023.

Read along as Courtney and Kelsie discuss Kelsie’s first year as a freelancer, working with CCE, and more!


Courtney: Kelsie! Congrats! It's been so exciting seeing your career evolve!

What led you to become self-employed? How did you know it was time to make the jump?

Kelsie: When I was working in-house as a Social Media Manager and Product photographer, I ended up losing my job because the company mismanaged funds and as a result had to resort to layoffs. This led me to realize a salary is not guaranteed and it was worth it for me to try my hand at freelancing.

“I have always been very passionate and creative and I realized that energy was better served being put into my own business.”

C: What has been the biggest adjustment for you in settling into self-employment?

K: I think time management and planning my own schedule (realistically) is my biggest adjustment. I do love working on a project-to-project basis and I try to create proper cushions in my processes but things can easily build up and result in overwhelm. This is still something I am learning and working on!

C: Is there anything you've learned this year that you wish you'd known earlier?

K: Always have your own contract - never rely on someone else's - and work does not start until the contract is signed and the deposit has been paid. 

C: Do you have any goals for the upcoming year?

K: I keep a list of BIG goals as well as yearly goals. On my big goals list, I have dream clients I would love to work with and I’d love to travel more for work. For my yearly goals, my biggest goal is to pay off my debt and start building my savings plans. my yearly goals, my biggest goal is to pay off my debt and start building my savings plans. 

C: What has been the most rewarding part of your first year in business?

K: Learning SO MUCH!

I feel like I have had 5 years of growth in just the last year, everything from my own confidence to bettering my photography.”

C: Are there any resources or tips that you'd like to share with our community? What has supported you through this first year?

K:  My biggest tip would be to talk to your community, whatever you’re doing talk to others doing something similar. I have found so much learning and growth from talking to other photographers and sharing experiences. A great resource is the IG account @aphotoeditor they talk about everything from assisting, to photography, and pricing. 

C: Last question! Who can we connect you with - who's your dream client? What work do you love to do most?

K: I have been very lucky and I would say all my current clients are dream clients! If I’m shooting for the stars, I would love to shoot for Ganni accessories and Ilia Beauty. I love getting to work with clients on set and seeing our ideas collaboratively come to life!

“There is something very electric when you and your client are getting excited in the middle of a shoot and seeing more than you hoped for come to life in the camera.”


Emma Devin:


We’re heading to Saltspring!